Realme C25 RMX3191 NVDATA IMEI Repair Backup CM2 Dongle file []

Realme C25 RMX3191 NVDATA IMEI Repair Backup CM2 Dongle file []


Realme C25 RMX3191 NVDATA IMEI


NVRAM + NVDATA Questions:

A few questions about NVRAM + NVDATA:

What exactly is stored in it and why is it so critical to backup/restore it?

Is NVRAM + NVDATA unique to each hardware unit? Wasn’t sure if it contained MAC address info, etc.

Do you really need to restore it after every upgrade like some of the website instructions list in their upgrade instructions?

So far I’ve gone from stock ROM to ClearROM without backing up/restoring the NVRAM + NVDATA
and everything worksfine (Wi-fi and Bluetooth work, no errors). Same after going from to last night via TWRP. Why do some people see errors after upgrading?


I only backed up my NVRAM + NVDATA after I upgraded to Should I be worried that
something might fail since I didn’t backup and restore the stock NVRAM + NVDATA?


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